[CLUE-Cert] Reuters article

David Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Mon Apr 12 14:34:50 MDT 2004

Sean LeBlanc wrote:
>  Moreover, average-Joe computer users aren't likely to pry open computers to
>  upgrade and replace components as geeks often do, making the smaller
>  versions more attractive these days, analysts said.

I'm a geek, but for whatever reason I don't often add parts to computers 
(perhaps a card here or there, for modem, NIC, or maybe USB/firewire, 
that the box didn't come with).  So I'd very much like to get rid of all 
my tower cases for something like a shuttle box.

Some of my computers are second hand, so I don't get much choice with 
them.  But the next new one I buy/build will be small if I can get 
"small" without paying "too much".  The shuttle seemed pricey last I looked.


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