[CLUE-Talk] VMWare Hobbyist price extended 2 weeks

Grant Johnson Grant.Johnson at MetroIS.com
Tue Dec 5 12:10:16 MST 2000

>For that matter, could any of you bring a laptop running VMWare to the
>next CLUE or BLUG meeting to show it to us?
I was running VMWare on my laptop until my 30 day key ran out and I had no 
need for it (it was just fun) so I could not justify the $99 for 
it.  Lately I have been doing more client server stuff, and may buy it (or 
get my company to buy it for me) for doing more stuff with wintel clients 
against a Linux server.  If I have it set up, I will bring it.

How it works for graphics is that it creates extra x sessions (terminals 
8/9) and then has a special video driver for windows to efficiently talk to 
this.  With this driver, you can do whatever resolution X is set to, 
without, you are only able to 640X480 (VGA).  You can also run it in a 
window, which is cool, but I never do because my laptop (primary place I 
used it) only goes to 800X600.

Two little troubles:  You can only do 2GB file systems unless you have a 
second drive to dedicate to windows. Also, it is a memory pig, running 2 OS's.

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