[CLUE-Talk] What's Gnome got?

D C dcorwine at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 9 12:29:15 MST 2001

Another difference that was mentioned in a book that I am reading (Mastering
Red Hat 7.1 by Arman Danesh) is (and I will quote it):

" Unlike KDE, which includes a built-in window manager, GNOME is window
manager independent. It provides a programming interface that allows window
manager developer to integrate full support for GNOME in the window

Now since I am very new at this, I am not sure what that completely means,
but it was another difference that I thought may be of interest to someone.


----- Original Message -----
From: "David Willson" <DLWillson at thegeek.nu>
To: <clue-talk at clue.denver.co.us>
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 9:36 AM
Subject: [CLUE-Talk] What's Gnome got?

| Curiousity here, mostly... I've been using Linux (Red Hat 7.2) as my
| primary working and playing OS for a few weeks now. MAJOR switch for
| me... Every now and then I 'switchdesk' over and take a peek at KDE,
| even though Uncle Red Hat has chosen Gnome as the default, and I trust
| my Uncle, and everywhere I look, I read that Gnome is more popular than
| KDE... From the few peeks I have taken, KDE looks more finished than
| Gnome, more ... complete. What don't I understand here? Why is Gnome
| 'better' than KDE? What drove Red Hat to choose Gnome as the default
| and what caused Gnome to win the Readers' Choice Award for best
| WindowManager?
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