[CLUE-Talk] Colorado Senator Wayne Allard

Jeffery Cann jccann at home.com
Sat Sep 15 21:37:38 MDT 2001

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Fellow Linux Users of Colorado:

"History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of 
urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure."
- - Justice Thurgood Marshall, 1989

I visited the web sites of our political leaders to read their 
statements about the terrorist attacks this week.  In particular, I am 
gravely concerned about the concessions of Senator Wayne Allard.  Here 
is an excerpt from his statement:

"It occurs to me that aspects of life in the Middle East - terrorist 
attacks, public fear and public mourning, heavy domestic security, 
checkpoints, rigid airline safeguards - could quite possibly be 
incorporated into the American way of life as well. Things that we have 
seen before only on TV broadcasts from foreign lands could be brought 
home to us."


I am gravely concerned because I believe public cryptography, such as 
GnuPg will become outlawed for the "security of our citizens".

I am concerned that the "hacker" operating system Linux will become 
illegal due to the proposed Security Systems Standards and 
Certification Act (SSSCA).

We Linux and cryptography users must act now to prevent additional 
erosion of our individual civil liberties.

This week, folks in Colorado want to know "what they can do".  Well, we 
may not be able to dig through the rubble of the WTC, but we can act 
now to preserve our liberty during this time of crisis.  I urge you to 
write Senator Wayne Allard and express your opinion about his 
"Statement on the Terrorist Attacks in Washington and New York" (link 

His Address:

Washington, D.C.
525 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.
Washington , D.C. 20510
Phone: 202-224-5941
Fax: 202-224-6471

For the impatient, you can email him directly at: 

I faxed a letter to Mr. Allard this evening.   Email me directly for a 
copy or the link on my homepage.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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