Iraq [was Re: [CLUE-Talk] Slashdot Gun Control]

Sean LeBlanc seanleblanc at
Tue Dec 17 00:03:53 MST 2002

On 12-16 23:00, Kevin Cullis wrote:
> If you want to know how the Palestinians view antiquities, see this
> site:
> As one who's undergrad degree is in History and cringed when the Taliban
> blew up the large Budda carved into the rock in Afganistan, I deplore
> these atrocities.  I could go on, but I'll leave it to you all to take a
> stand at some point.

I guess I'll never understand how anyone can come to the conclusion that
wiping out something of such cultural significance, not to mention religious
significance, is something that is okay. It's as if Americans decided to
blast the Mesa Verde. Or the English decided to blast Stonehenge. You might
not agree with it, but it's at least interesting - I guess there is little
argument with fundies, though. Still, I must wonder how much of this link
might be spin.

The Koran[*] has edicts against the "idolaters", correct? Even so, it just
seems that some of their archeologists would cry out for a halt to this. I
wonder if any of this has been directed at ancient Egyptian sites?

Oddly enough, I didn't even know about those statues until a co-worker was
talking about it over lunch. He's of Egyptian descent, and said his parents
left because they were Christian and were noticing anti-Christian sentiment
there. He was talking about the injustices in the Islamic world, and talked
about the Taliban doing that - this was about a month before 9/11.

At least when Christian fundies burned Beatles records, you knew they
weren't depriving the world of those recordings.

[*] Another book in my loooooooooong queue of books to read...

Sean LeBlanc:seanleblanc at
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Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing. 
(contributed by Frank v Waveren) 

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