[CLUE-Talk] Homeland Securty abandons MS for Linux

G. Richard Raab rraab at plusten.com
Tue Jan 28 09:26:37 MST 2003

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On Tuesday 28 January 2003 08:30 am, Sean LeBlanc wrote:
> On 01-27 20:38, Kevin Cullis wrote:

> That's good news, at least the switching away from MS part. I hope some
> CTOs and CIOs quit running their servers on MS crapware as a reaction to
> things like Slammer, though.

Unfortunately, very little chance of that. Most business decisions are not 
made on true costs, but on who and what somebody knows.
Consider that MS runs < 50% of the web (by IP) according to netcraft and < 25% 
by domain, and yet they have > 98% of the stolen credit cards and cracks. 
- From a security POV, it is obvious that MS is not what you want to run. 
- From a costs POV, Linux is free and Unix is well documented to have a < TCO on 
admining than does MS. If you can assume that Linux is similar to Unix on 
admining costs (a pretty good assumption all things considered), then the 
running costs of linux is less than MS. Yet, CIO's are slow moving. why? 
because it is what they know.  As time goes on, this will change, but only 
after a large number of these guys are fired. I say thank god as they are 
costing us money and they are harming America.


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