[CLUE-Talk] Rep Tancredo's Anti-Immigration Stance

Dennis J Perkins djperkins at americanisp.net
Fri Oct 24 09:06:41 MDT 2003

> I've always thought that the "average American" attitude was pretty damn
> hypocritical -- basically, "It's the greatest country in the world. It
> was founded and built by immigrants. We're here now. Screw everybody
> else." 

Hmm.  Average American.  Doesn't quite fit the typical Congressman or 
president, does it?  Or certain CEOs like Bill Gates and Michael Eisner.

> Obviously, we can't just open the floodgates... but most of us are here
> by accident of birth, because our ancestors left other countries seeking
> a better life. It seems damn hypocritical to want to deny other people
> the same option. 
> Besides, we no longer have to worry about immigrants stealing our jobs
> -- American companies are happy to send our jobs overseas so potential
> immigrants don't even have to pack. We're getting screwed, alright, but
> it's not the immigrants who are doing it. 
> > And if I hear the stupid term "undocumented workers" one more time, I think
> > I'm gonna lose it. :)
> How about "legally-challenged worker?"

How about illegal alien worker?  What the hell is legally challenged, anyway?  
That term could probably cover most Americans.

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