[CLUE-Talk] FW: Hacker story for Denver Post

Patty Laushman patty at theuptimegroup.com
Fri Oct 22 12:03:08 MDT 2004

In response to Richard's question about why the focus is Linux, I'd like to 
explain how this all came about.  As you all know, my company does Linux and 
open source consulting for small- to medium-sized businesses, and thus I 
would like to help Ross at the Denver Post increase awareness of open source 
technology in the the general business population. I want them to know that 
Linux is a good alternative to MS products and that it delivers unique 
advantages that MS can't offer.

Ross agrees that Linux is a good topic in general, but a story that is 
hardly more than a history lesson (Linus Torvalds, market share, major 
vendors, etc.) will be interesting to no one except us, the Linux community. 
To get people interested in the topic, he needs to have a "hook," or 
something that captures people's attention and gets them to read the 
article.  There's no point in writing a story that no one reads.

The reality is that hacker is a loaded word that captures people's 
attention, and the tie-in to a Linux article is that most people who 
consider themselves "hackers" use Linux themselves for a variety of reasons. 
The "hacker" or "reformed hacker" subject will be the interesting 
personality with an interesting story that hooks people into reading a story 
about Linux.  The point is not to propagate a stereotype -- it's to educate 
them on Linux.

I have met with Ross and deem him to be an intelligent, open minded, 
responsible person who is interested in the world of Linux. Yes, there are 
examples of irresponsible journalism out there, just as irresponsibility 
exists in every other human-controlled institution. There has been a great 
deal of misinformation in the media about both open source and "hackers," 
and I think Ross' story gives our community an opportunity to clear some of 
that up.  I don't believe there is any ill intent here, or I would not be 
willing to put my reputation on the line. If Ross writes a story that only 
negatively associates Linux with hackers, I and my company both lose. If we 
in the Linux community want to contribute positively to Linux's acceptance 
as more that just a rogue operating system, here is a chance to do that. 
And if we don't help Ross do this, who will?

Patty Laushman
(303) 757-4611, Ext. 404
The Uptime Group, Inc.
"Integrating the best of traditional and open source technology"

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "G. Richard Raab" <rraab at plusten.com>
To: <clue-talk at clue.denver.co.us>
Cc: <RWehner at Denverpost.com>; <patty at theuptimegroup.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:30 PM
Subject: Re: [CLUE-Talk] FW: Hacker story for Denver Post

> On Thursday 21 October 2004 09:31 pm, David A. Jenne wrote:
>> Hackers Wanted:
>> Anyone who meets this description and would like to share his story
>> (anonomously) with a Denver Post reporter, please contact Patty Laushman
>> at
>> 303-757-4611 ext 404.  Although we can probably all consider ourselves
>> "hackers" of one sort or another,  I believe the reporter's conception of
>> a
>> "hacker" is someone who at one time or another has broken into remote
>> systems.
>> David J.
> Strange set-up.
> Why pick a cracker that does Linux? While any good cracker  runs Linux or
> to avoid being hit themselves, they would use lots of windows to have an
> easy
> system to crack. That is like asking a car thief what car they drive. They
> normally do not drive the common ones that they break into.
> I get the feeling that a hatchet job is about to be done. Otherwise, they
> would be looking for a cracker/sk/whoever that breaks into specific
> systems
> rather than what they use.
> If anybody does come forward for this, please record your conversation and
> make sure nothing is taken out of context.
> I have CC Russ here:
> Why set the conditions that you have?
> -- 
> -------------
> cheers
> g.r.r.
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