[CLUE-Talk] FW: Hacker story for Denver Post

G. Richard Raab rraab at plusten.com
Fri Oct 22 12:59:42 MDT 2004

On Friday 22 October 2004 12:32 pm, rknechte at starband.net wrote:
> This sounds like to me like a reporter who wants to make a connection to
> "bad - hackers" AKA criminals to LInux users. Basiclly show that Linux
> users are bad people becuase Linux is used for "hacking".
> I'd tell this reporter he should NOT be looking for a hacker from a
> "particular" OS.  Or he should be doing for a hacker from every OS - for
> ballance.
> This article it sounds like he's writting stinks to highg heaven if you
> ask me.

Who would you want to tell you how to secure your house? 
A cop, an insurance guy, or a smart burglar? 
Cops and insurance are behind on what to do.
 In fact, they routinely turn to hard-to-catch thieves to figure out how to 
stop others.

The smart burglar has figured out how to stop himself. 
s?he knows what it will take to stop themselves.

Besides, it sounds to me like this is legitimate. Basically, they are looking 
for an angle that appeals to all. Ross has to make a good story. 

But, thinking about it, any good cracker needs total animinity. 
The only way to stay that way is to never expose oneself. 
end of story.

These days the feds are compelling reporters to cough up info.
Look at the investigation into the story of the Traitor in the white house, 
Novak, and Judith Miller. Miller is now serving Jail time (Interesting that 
Novak is not; either friends in the white house or he already spilled).

The feds are cracking down on crackers in a big way. Now adays , the 
punishment is worse for somebody who is a white-hat cracker and is caught in 
minor incidents (no theft), than it is to be stealing billions of dollars 
from companies such as enron or qwest.  

According to an FBI profile of crackers (vs. SKs), a cracker is a white male, 
single, highly educated and working a high tech job. Normally bored. They are 
not going to want to lose the jobs if they are a grey or white hat. And if 
they are a black-hat, they are most likely not at this list. any bh here is 
almost certainly an SK.

Could any interview be done via e-mail?


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