[clue-talk] New PIM for Linux found...

Matt Gushee mgushee at havenrock.com
Sat Apr 2 13:00:51 MST 2005

Kevin Cullis wrote:
> That's fine, as a busines person I look for solutions that get the job 
> done whether they cost something or not, even though I prefer OSS. But 
> if OSS doesn't get the job done, then commercial it is.

That's a reasonable position. So what job does TreePad get done for you?

That's sort of a troll, I guess. So let me lay my cards on the table:

  * First of all, notwithstanding the following comments, if the product
    is useful to you, I think that's cool and am interested to hear more
    about how it is useful.

  * I think the concept is cool, but from what I can see on the Web site,
    the execution is lousy. I think I have some idea what they're up to,
    seeing as I've attempted to develop similar (though perhaps simpler)
    software. From what I can see in the screenshots, their interface is
    way too cluttered to be usable for regular Joes and Joannas.

  * Similarly, their Web site offers a lot of choices without giving any
    hint as to the significance of those choices. TreePad X Enterprise
    8 Gb vs. TreePad X Enterprise 256 Gb? WTF does that mean, and why
    should I care?

  * If I were an ordinary business computer user, I think my reaction
    would be something like:

      I already have an organizer: Outlook. And I have a Word Processor:
      Word. And what's the difference between an Organizer, a Personal
      Information Manager, a PIM, and a Database program anyway [ed.:
      I noticed those phrases are all used in a single paragraph as if
      they were different things]? What makes this thing better? Sure,
      they say it's won some awards, but they all seem to be from Web
      sites I've never heard of.

I guess you can call me jaded. I *love* trying out new software, but 
this thing just doesn't look all that great. It sounds like you think 
it's cool, so why don't you try it out and tell us your impressions?

Matt Gushee
Englewood, CO, USA

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