[clue-talk] surveillance cameras

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Mon Sep 24 13:57:06 MDT 2007

Michael Fierro wrote:

> I want to know what happened to the bravery that used to define being
> American. "Give me liberty, or give me death." "We have nothing to fear but
> fear itself." The current administration continues yelling, "be afraid, be
> afraid of those terrorists who are trying to kill you and your children," and
> then they proceed to take away our liberties.

The problem is, we're listening.

(We being "the majority"... not the thinkers and well-educated.)

> Where is our bravery?

I think "the majority" has used up all their bravery taking unnecessary 
fiscal risks with multiple mortgages, two car loans, and a house twice 
as big as they really need, or can afford.

They're already scared to death that they can't pay what they owe, and 
can't assimilate larger world-wide problems into that equation.

Add in things like people won't spend a day going to any kind of 
advanced driving training, but spend the vast majority of their free 
time driving, so then you have to buy "safer" cars, because you're 
scared of accidents... the list goes on and on...

Soccer mom shouldn't have to learn how to actually drive that damn 
mini-van, a vehicle with more mass and different handling 
characteristics than the average sedan (which she can't drive properly 
either), she's too busy taking Jimmy and Janie to every extracurricular 
activity under the sun.  And doing an advanced driving course would be 
"too hard" for her.  Bah.


The comment that the government leaders are teaching Americans that 
we're "subjects" is true, but not from the government.  We're 
self-created slaves of the bankers.

Our insatiable desire to buy things we can't truly afford and our 
unwillingness to stop being that selfish, is one of the many things 
which will lead to our downfall.

"Consumer" = Slave, in many regards.

I don't want to know where our bravery went.  I want to know where are 
natural curiosity and desire to understand our world better went.  When 
it's acceptable for the above soccer mom to say, "I don't need to know 
ANYTHING about how the things I own work or how to operate them 
correctly...", and everyone nods in agreement... something's wrong.  I'm 
not saying she needs to be able to ENGINEER one, just understand it 
enough to use it effectively.

HDTV is a lovely example of all of the above... $1000 TV, don't know how 
to use it.  Won't take 20 minutes to read a primer, or figure it out. 
But will be paying on it on a credit card for the rest of their lives... 
and will show it off to friends/family as "Look at what we bought!  It's 
top of the line!"

Worse, they'll be praised for doing all of that.

Crazy.  Absolutely crazy.


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