[clue-talk] How do CLUEbies vote?

Michael Fierro miguelito at biffster.org
Wed Sep 26 12:10:38 MDT 2007

On Wed, Sep 26, 2007 at 08:41:31AM -0600, Kevin Cullis wrote:
> Hear, hear!! I second your stance as I, too, believe in the same.  
> When our definition of life becomes like the Muslims, they love death  
> more than life, then we've become the enemy to all that is good.



So are you saying that American Muslims are an "enemy to all that is good?"
Or that they have a different definition of life?

Or are you being sarcastic?

Michael Fierro                                  miguelito at biffster.org
Y! Messenger: miguelito_fierro                           AIM: mfierro1
http://biffster.org                           http://weightjournal.com
Doctor: Well, yes, it's quite close, isn't it? Oh you'll soon get
used to it, old chap. Relative dimensions and all that.
Brigadier: So this is what you've been doing with UNIT funds and
equipment all this time. How's it done, some sort of optical
Doctor: Oh, no, no, no. They come like this, really.
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