[clue-talk] How do CLUEbies vote?

Michael Fierro miguelito at biffster.org
Thu Sep 27 23:16:34 MDT 2007

On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 06:25:27PM -0600, Collins Richey wrote:

> I don't normally follow this website, but I did so just now, and now I
> am curious to know what you consider "hate-filled" about the news

Hate-filled by equating all Muslims by the actions of a few. And assuming
that anything that a Muslim does has to be scrutinized for possible
connection to terrorism.

> maybe you consider the constant exposure of the radical jihadists here
> at home and world-wide to be a hate-filled message? Probably, since
> according to your earlier statements, these terrorists could not
> possibly be evil.

That's an interesting interpretation of what I said, Collins. I have a lot of
respect for you, and think that you are a pretty sharp fellow. So I am
wondering if you were just grumpy or something when you wrote this.

For clarification, I never said that anyone could not possibly be evil. I
questioned the OP (don't remember who now... was it Kevin?) assertion that
all Muslims are evil. A stance that he hasn't backed down from, actually. Or
at least I haven't read an email yet (I'm behind, so I may run into one)
where the OP backed away from his staggeringly-broad generalization.

Look at it this way: If someone said "All Christians are evil," what would
your response be? My response would be the same as I gave the OP.
Generalizations are almost always false. Generalizations on such a massive
scale (any idea how many Muslims there are in America alone, and in the world
all together?) are so meaningless as to be ridiculous.

My point was: you can't say that all Muslims are terrorists. You can't say
that all Muslims are on the side of evil. You can't even say that all
terrorists are Muslims (one name: Timothy McVeigh). I would be willing to say
that all terrorists are evil: I hate the idea that killing can progress one's
goals. That is definitely an evil concept.

Does that help clarify what I was saying, Collins? I really don't want you to
have a false idea of what I was saying, and where I stand on these types of

Michael Fierro                                  miguelito at biffster.org
Y! Messenger: miguelito_fierro                           AIM: mfierro1
http://biffster.org                           http://weightjournal.com
"Yes. Well I'll tell you something that should be of vital interest
to you. THAT YOU, SIR, ARE A NIT WIT!!!"
- Doctor Who
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