[clue-talk] How do CLUEbies vote?

Collins Richey crichey at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 19:39:07 MDT 2007

On 9/27/07, Michael Fierro <miguelito at biffster.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 06:25:27PM -0600, Collins Richey wrote:
> > I don't normally follow this website, but I did so just now, and now I
> > am curious to know what you consider "hate-filled" about the news
> Hate-filled by equating all Muslims by the actions of a few. And assuming
> that anything that a Muslim does has to be scrutinized for possible
> connection to terrorism.

Hmmm, I find nothing in this site that equates all Muslims to the
actions of (many more than a few) jihadists.

> > maybe you consider the constant exposure of the radical jihadists here
> > at home and world-wide to be a hate-filled message? Probably, since
> > according to your earlier statements, these terrorists could not
> > possibly be evil.

> My point was: you can't say that all Muslims are terrorists. You can't say
> that all Muslims are on the side of evil. You can't even say that all
> terrorists are Muslims (one name: Timothy McVeigh). I would be willing to say
> that all terrorists are evil: I hate the idea that killing can progress one's
> goals. That is definitely an evil concept.
> Does that help clarify what I was saying, Collins? I really don't want you to
> have a false idea of what I was saying, and where I stand on these types of
> issues.

I was obviously confused about your viewpoint, and I meant no slander,
but you keep hammering at the false idea that the website (and others)
believe that all Muslims are evil or that only Muslims are evil,
whereas there is nothing of the sort in the website nor any any of the
conservative talk shows or blogs that I have followed.

The essential difference, as I see it, is that the strident voices on
the left do not really believe that the jihadists are all that
dangerous to our way of life. We can just sit down with them and
dialog, right?, or invite one of them to speak at Columbia, and then
all will be sweetness and light. On the contrary, this website hammers
home the idea that dialog with jihadists (certainly not all Muslims,
but unfortunately and undeniably a growing percentage of Muslims) only
gives them more time to sharpen their knives to come after us. You may
consider that hate-filled, but I don't.

Maybe you have studied this website more than I have, but I don't find
a single Jihadist == all Muslims statement anywhere. I've heard
speakers from the website on the radio as well, and never have I heard
any of them say that Jihadists are the same as all Muslims.

Nevertheless, there are those (more than a few) who wonder whether the
majority of peaceful Muslims really support the goals of the
jihadists, and this is because the majority of these peaceful Muslims
are silent in the face of the suicide bombings and the beheadings and
mutilation of innocents. For example, where is the outrage of the
Imams in American or British or ???? Muslim societies against such
actions? The silence is deafening.

Collins Richey
     If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries
     of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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