[clue-talk] How do CLUEbies vote?

Kevin Cullis kevincu at viawest.net
Fri Sep 28 22:20:58 MDT 2007


On Sep 27, 2007, at 11:01 PM, Michael Fierro wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 09:46:27PM -0600, Kevin Cullis wrote:
>> are not irrelevant because all of the book of Revelation is based on
>> Prophecy and End Times issues and if most people would read it they'd
>> probably "shit a brick" with the facts and figures in there. But most
>> are in denial.
> To paraphrase Marvin the Paranoid Android: "I've read it; it's  
> rubbish." I am
> not a big believer in the Bible, and that is doubly-so for the  
> wilder books.
> The book of Revelations reads like a pretty cool psychedelic novel.  
> It's a
> fairly entertaining bit of fantasy. But I would no more "shit a  
> brick" about
> it than I would about "Lord of the Rings."

The real question is: if you were to read Revelation in the Bible and  
let's just suppose that it were 100% true and accurate and going to  
happen, what would you do with these facts? How would it affect you  
and your life?

What's the reason for not believing in the Bible? If you consider  
it's only fantasy, then I would agree with you, but history has shown  
that it is the most accurate regarding history compared with other  
books that are religious (My bachelors is in History). You also might  
want to visit Lee Strobel's web site ( http://www.leestrobel.com ).  
He's a former atheist turned Christian after he spent a number of  
years investigating the Christian faith to debunk it. He failed!!

I point this out not to brow beat you or anyone else in believing  
what I believe, but to point out that we all will die one day. As I  
said before, we will pay for our beliefs whether we're right or  
wrong, I just to make sure I'm right, and so are you.

>> I'm not threatening them, but pointing out facts. It's no different
> That depends on your definition of "facts." You believe that the  
> Bible contains
> facts. And that is cool; you have every right to believe what you  
> want, and I
> respect that. But you can't expect people with different beliefs to  
> accept
> the Bible as factual.

What I am expecting is people to examine the Bible for it's  
Truthfulness and compare their beliefs with what the Bible states, or  
at least hope that people do. But again, people will die for their  
beliefs, the real question is: what if those that are not Christians  
are wrong? Put my shoes on for a minute Michael, what would you do in  
my case? Are you saying that you have no compassion for your fellow  
man and would let them die if their beliefs were wrong? Would you do  
the same for someone with the potential of getting AIDS, just let  
them die? Or would you try and help educate others? Too often those  
that use the argument of "leave them/me alone" is a cop out for not  
getting involved or caring.

>> comes, he is still coming and the things that are happening are too
>> close to ignore, which should spur Christians to be ever more
>> diligent to let people know that things are going to heat up.
> My question is: Why should Christians try to force their beliefs on  
> others?
> Why not respect the fact that other people will have separate  
> beliefs, and
> leave it at that.

While a very few may want to force you to become a Christian for  
their ego, most and I do not. I will not hold a gun to your head like  
extremist Muslims to force you to convert or be killed because you  
don't or subjugate you to second class citizenship while in most  
cases Americans have equal citizenship, while economic situations are  
different. I will leave you as you wish just as most other religions  
do. God does not force you and neither will I. I only discuss, like  
here, to point out the errors in belief systems and the lies that are  

My hope is to provoke thinking, just as I do all of the time, like my  
wife states I do. I recently saw a bumper sticker that stated "Keep  
prayer out of schools and I won't think in your church!" In a few of  
the churches I would agree with this statement that there is no  
thinking, but not with me. It's not the belief system, but the object  
of the belief system that makes the difference. Budda, Mohammed,  
Joseph Smith, and others claim to know the way to heaven or only hint  
that they're right, but only Jesus Christ is the correct answer  
because all of the others can't back up their claims with the Truth.  
Even some Christians will not go to heaven even though they use the  
right words and are nice and "Jesusy" toward others.

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