[clue-talk] How do CLUEbies vote?

Michael Fierro miguelito at biffster.org
Thu Sep 27 23:01:06 MDT 2007

On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 09:46:27PM -0600, Kevin Cullis wrote:
> are not irrelevant because all of the book of Revelation is based on  
> Prophecy and End Times issues and if most people would read it they'd  
> probably "shit a brick" with the facts and figures in there. But most  
> are in denial.

To paraphrase Marvin the Paranoid Android: "I've read it; it's rubbish." I am
not a big believer in the Bible, and that is doubly-so for the wilder books.
The book of Revelations reads like a pretty cool psychedelic novel. It's a
fairly entertaining bit of fantasy. But I would no more "shit a brick" about
it than I would about "Lord of the Rings."

Or Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
> I'm not threatening them, but pointing out facts. It's no different  

That depends on your definition of "facts." You believe that the Bible contains
facts. And that is cool; you have every right to believe what you want, and I
respect that. But you can't expect people with different beliefs to accept
the Bible as factual.

> comes, he is still coming and the things that are happening are too  
> close to ignore, which should spur Christians to be ever more  
> diligent to let people know that things are going to heat up.

My question is: Why should Christians try to force their beliefs on others?
Why not respect the fact that other people will have separate beliefs, and
leave it at that.
Michael Fierro                                  miguelito at biffster.org
Y! Messenger: miguelito_fierro                           AIM: mfierro1
http://biffster.org                           http://weightjournal.com
"There's going to be an awful lot of garbage today."
- "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"
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