[clue-talk] Jury Set to Deliberate HLF Case :: Articles by IPT :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Sean LeBlanc seanleblanc at comcast.net
Sat Sep 29 08:37:58 MDT 2007

On 09-29 03:12, Angelo Bertolli wrote:
> Kevin Cullis wrote:
> >This is the scary part of Islam, on our own soil none the less.
> >
> >http://www.investigativeproject.org/article/480
> Do you think IPT News is more or less reliable than, say, this:
> http://www.pensitoreview.com/2007/09/10/neuroscience-study-smart-brains-have-liberal-bias/
> I'm finding it increasingly more difficult to tell who are the grocery 
> store tabloids of the digital world....

Yeah, I seem to remember a "study" going around a few years that had the
title "New Study Concludes Whiney Children Grow Up To Be Conservatives".

The original article seems to have moved, but here is at least one site that
refers to it, and quotes it:


When you actually read the article, though, the sample size was 95! And all
done from one area, Berkeley. 

I think there is something to the idea of what the author (Simon Young)
wrote about in Designer Evolution[*] - he called it "neurotypes" - how people's
behavior is linked to over or under amounts of different chemicals, though
much more study is needed, I think. And certainly drawing conclusions from
that up to meta-behaviors and meta-beliefs that are such large tents like
"conservative" and "liberal" strains credulity.

[*] Interesting book, I may add. Anyone interested in transhumanism might
like it. I was curious what that was all about, and it's the first I've read
so far - I have others I plan on reading - I hope to find something more
along the lines of what sort of current research is going on, what's
possible, yadda yadda. It gets a tad repetitive, and could have been
condensed into something smaller. 

I think people still arguing about stem cell, abortion, evolution, etc.,
have NO IDEA what's on the horizon as far as new scientific/ethical debates.
What if, at some point in this century, age was controlled, and effectively
living hundreds, maybe thousands of years, effectively forever, was possible? I think
that would be like an intellectual bomb went off...akin to contact with
intelligent alien lifeforms. Whole paradigms would have to be torn down and

Sean LeBlanc:seanleblanc at comcast.net  

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