[clue-talk] Heller

David Rudder david.rudder at reliableresponse.net
Tue Jul 1 14:45:56 MDT 2008

That's a good question.  The ruling states:
"The requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or 
bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for 
the core lawful purpose of self-defense and is hence unconstitutional."

Does anyone on this list own a gun with a trigger lock?  Does it really 
make it impossible to defend your home?  I have drawer locks on the 
drawers in my kitchen, but I can still use my knives and cleaning 
chemicals, it just takes an additional 10 seconds to get to them. 


Angelo Bertolli wrote:
> David Rudder wrote:
>> Heller is a ruling from the Supreme Court.  It shot down Washington 
>> DC's gun control laws, specifically because it's unconstitutional to 
>> tell someone they have to have trigger locks on guns inside their home.
> I can only guess what "trigger locks" are... but I can't for the life 
> of me guess why they'd be an unconstitutional requirement.  
> Unenforceable is more like it.
> If "trigger locks" are unconstitutional, then building codes must be 
> as well.
> Angelo
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