[clue-talk] Wow, Card's a little political...

Brian Gibson bwg1974 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 1 02:14:39 MDT 2008

>  a man proven to be a centrist and an unquestioned patriot.

Don't make me laugh.  There's only two ways to look at him in this regard.  Either a) he's a centrist who does not have the reigns of his own party and has let the far right run his campaign which would be a precursor to his presidency (and we know how well puppets run the country) or b) he was only a centrist because it benefited him to be so and has since changed his political stripes to shift further to the right which simply makes him a political opportunist.  Considering the whole of his life leading up to 2008, I have to conclude it's the latter.

Being a POW does not make you a patriot.  For someone who claims to put "Country First", he made the biggest unpatriotic mistake by appointing an unqualified, uneducated, anti-science, theocratic nobody as his running mate and backup.  And no matter how much you may like and support McCain, that alone, his first "Presidential" appointment nailed the coffin in my book of ever securing a vote from me.  McCain of 2000 was perceivably a much better choice than McCain of 2008. 

The GOP of today with the neocons and religious right at the helm isn't fiscally conservative and hasn't been for a long time, nor is it socially moderate.  So if you support any of the policies they wish to forward, by sailing on the laurels of a party long dead, then you're more a sheep than any tow-the-party-line Democrat.

Democrats certainly aren't without their own failures.  Finally regaining a majority in the house and a marginal edge in the senate, they did little to end the wars, and they took impeachment off the table.  Perhaps it may take a Democrat majority to undo all the damage that a Republican one caused for the 6 years after W took office, but I'm not going to hold my breath and just take a wait and see approach.  Because if they screw the pooch on this one, the one bright side is that short of the GOP resurrecting itself or splintering to reestablish itself in the next 4 years (unlikely considering Palin is being bounced around as a 2012 candidate), third parties may have a golden opportunity to win a significant number of seats and emerge as a viable political force in the future.


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