[clue-talk] Wow, Card's a little political...

Collins Richey crichey at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 10:57:25 MST 2008

On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 12:46 AM, Angelo Bertolli <angelo at freeshell.org> wrote:

> Why?  If you're not making as much as Joe the plumber (250k) and you don't
> have any capital gains (do any of have any now?) you really have nothing to
> worry about from Obama.  I can buy arguments that you just don't think
> people should be taxed that much in general, but otherwise I would think
> you'd be in Obama's camp on this issue.

Like many Americans and Obama, you don't appear to understand how the
economy works. It you drain off the profits from the most productive
group in our society (the small businesses that generate most new
jobs) and give them to those less fortunate, the process of generating
new jobs will contract (or cease to exist) and those who got the
proceeds may well be out of work. Also, the old adage of tax cuts for
the rich just doesn't jibe; it's tax cuts for taxpayers.. When taxes
are cut, those who actually PAY taxes get a benefit. The very large
group of people who pay no taxes do not get the benefit. Also, when
you raise corporate taxes and reduce other benefits to corporations
(who employ most of us), you make it less likely that the corporations
will create new jobs and more likely that said corporations will
choose to move offshore (the opposite of what Obama SAYS he wants top

>> Nothing ... absolutely NOTHING in history shows that socializing
>> healthcare makes it better.  Nothing shows that higher taxes on capital
>> gains or government leads to real sustainable growth.  Nothing shows that
>> ANY of his policies will help anyone but those already on a government dole.
>>  It concerns me deeply that people think they will without any proof.
>>  They're just following the populist wave created by electing Bush and
>> finding out his character was lacking.
> Yeah, but to be fair, both candidates suck on the health care issue.  For me
> that puts the issue off the table.

It certainly doesn't put the issue off the table for Obama +
fillibuster-proof senate. Crawl under a rock if you like, but you and
I won't have any choice about health care (or much else) when these
rascals get to work implementing every socialist pipe dream of the
past century. You think the Republicans were fiscally imprudent, you
ain't seen nothing yet. The minuscule amount of funds that will come
in from soaking the rich won't even cover a tenth of the new
entitlement programs that will be unleashed. The current deficit will
look like a credit before they have finished. Remember the
(unpublished but effective) Democratic motto:  Equal poverty for all.

Collins Richey
     If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries
     of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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