[clue-talk] Obama, McCain, and the American flag

Angelo Bertolli angelo at freeshell.org
Mon Nov 3 07:13:40 MST 2008

Actually, our discussions have caused me to start reading more about 
different types of government and philosophies like communism.

Jed S. Baer wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Nov 2008 19:39:29 -0700
> Sean LeBlanc wrote:
>> since when is being a Communist illegal or immoral?
> All by itself? Not a damn thing. If some group of people voluntarily
> choose to live in a communist system, fine by me.
> Where I get pissed off is when people attempt to use government power to
> force me to participate.

As it must be.  I think that's inherent to communism, if you're a true 
marxist:  a moneyless society (unlike what they had in the Soviet Union) 
requires huge amounts of human coordination and agreement.  The smaller 
the group, the easier to accomplish.

> So anyone who wants to be a communist, or a socialist, can go find
> someplace to live that way. Just don't tax me to pay for it.
> The key thing is that participation should be voluntary.

I agree.  Communism can't be forced.  Capitalism has the wonderful 
quality of not requiring people to agree with each other to work:  they 
work together out of their own self-interest.  It's really the lowest 
common denominator.


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