[clue-talk] Obama, McCain, and the American flag

Grant Johnson grant at amadensor.com
Mon Nov 3 21:20:25 MST 2008

David L. Willson wrote:
> Perfect answer.  Thank you.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brian Gibson" <bwg1974 at yahoo.com>
> To: "CLUE talk" <clue-talk at cluedenver.org>
> Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2008 7:38:32 PM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain
> Subject: Re: [clue-talk] Obama, McCain, and the American flag
> Because you are born with rights.  You are not fertilized with them.
The real problem is "where do you draw the line?"   Is it at the 
youngest age a premie has ever survived?   Maybe since the baby requires 
the mother for nourishment for the first year out of the womb, we just 
go with that.   Even better, since the parents can be held responsible 
until the kid turns 18, let's just go with that.   I say we enact 
retroactive abortion.

There are currently states where a child that comes out alive when the 
abortion fails, and is old enough to make it, is not afforded warmth and 
nourishment.   What a horrible way to go.

The baby's blood type and DNA is different from the mother's from the 
moment of conception.  It is a distinct individual.   Not something to 
be discarded if inconvenient.   I can't even shoot a wolf in my back 
yard that is threatening my children.   Far beyond inconvenient, but 
then again, wolves are more valuable than humans in the view of some.

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