[clue-talk] Linked In CLUE Group?

Jed S. Baer cluemail at jbaer.cotse.net
Fri Nov 28 11:06:01 MST 2008

On Fri, 28 Nov 2008 10:54:06 -0700
Nate Duehr wrote:

> > reminders, thus they have an automated non-confirmed opt-in mailing  
> > list,
> > to which someone other than yourself can subscribe you.
> Yeah, the reminders can be annoying, but I won't die from them.

I won't die from all the other spam on the internet either. Doesn't make
it all a-ok.

> > IOW, they're internet scum.
> There's a difference between the real scum and these folks I think.

What? They're all using unsolicted commerical e-mail to make money. The
only difference is what some people find useful. Hey, there are people
who actually do buy the junk that spammers are hawking, so obviously
there are enough people who do, to keep them in business. So if enough
people are spending money on Smilin' Bob's equivalent pills, that means
it's okay to send me adverts for them?

You're making a distinction without a distinction, based solely on the
notion that what you (or somebody else) perceives as OK must be fine for
the rest of us. That doesn't work, which is why a long-standing rule of
netiquette is that you don't run mailing lists other than by confirmed
opt-in. That's the rule that works, without pre-supposing someone's
preferences for what type of mail they want to receive.


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