[clue-talk] Linked In CLUE Group?

Angelo Bertolli angelo.bertolli at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 12:14:03 MST 2008

Jed S. Baer wrote:
> What? They're all using unsolicted commerical e-mail to make money. The
> only difference is what some people find useful. Hey, there are people
> who actually do buy the junk that spammers are hawking, so obviously
> there are enough people who do, to keep them in business. So if enough
> people are spending money on Smilin' Bob's equivalent pills, that means
> it's okay to send me adverts for them?
> You're making a distinction without a distinction, based solely on the
> notion that what you (or somebody else) perceives as OK must be fine for
> the rest of us. That doesn't work, which is why a long-standing rule of
> netiquette is that you don't run mailing lists other than by confirmed
> opt-in. That's the rule that works, without pre-supposing someone's
> preferences for what type of mail they want to receive.

I haven't really had any problems with LinkedIn... AFAIK they only email 
people on my list when I tell them to send a reminder.  Maybe I don't 
know everything LinkedIn does, but the things I absolutely hate the most 

1) Places that don't respect your unsubscribe request (e.g. phpclasses.org)

2) Places that pass my email address to other lists

#2 is particularly annoying.  For a lot of people how these spammers get 
your address is a "mystery."  (Sure, if you have joe at domain.com they can 
guess that one.)  It's really simple:  whenever you create an account 
online they pass or sell your email address to someone else.  I wish 
that step of the spam cycle was illegal.


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