[clue-talk] Linked In CLUE Group?

Angelo Bertolli angelo.bertolli at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 19:09:08 MST 2008

Jed S. Baer wrote:
> Except that doesn't work if you provide your "personal, friends and
> family" e-mail address to your, well, friends and family, and one of them
> hands it to LinkedIn, or any of the myriad other "send this to a friend"
> web forms out there, then where are you?
> I shudder at the thought of having to set "trap" e-mail addresses for my
> friends to use.

I've only had one friend who really told me to not use their personal 
email, and... we ended up just not communicating anymore.  I just 
wouldn't send him things because every time I did, he'd complain that I 
Cc'd a couple of other friends in addition to him, and *GASP* someone 
else might get his email address!  Of course I wasn't going to just 
disregard his request.  While I can respect the desire to reduce the 
amount of spam you get, I really think some people go way overboard with 
this whole "spammers haven't gotten my email yet" thing.

The way the USPS spams me through physical mail bothers me way more.  
Gmail is insanely good at filtering my mail.  I think it's way better 
not to expect your email address itself to be "unknown" just like your 
physical address isn't "unknown".


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