[clue-talk] Things I learned in Linux class

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Tue Apr 28 09:51:57 MDT 2009

Y'know, I think I'd better mention this one somewhere, to increase it's Google-ability.

There is no LAMP meta-package for Ubuntu, if there ever was.  There is also no spoon and no sanctuary, but that's beside the point.

If you have an up and running Ubuntu box Server or Desktop, and you want to add the standard Ubuntu LAMP app-stack to it, run 'tasksel'.  Don't even try apt-get install ubuntu-lamp, because it doesn't work.  tasksel and the tasks section of aptitude can get you there, though.

I learned this two weeks ago, as Kevin Fries was teaching Debian packages in the LPIC-1 Study Group.  Thanks for the knowledges, Kevin.


David L. Willson
Trainer, Engineer, Enthusiast
MCT, MCSE, Linux+

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