[clue-talk] little survey

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Wed Jun 3 11:06:15 MDT 2009

My answers will be in priority order.  I don't have a "just one" in major categories, like distro.

> 1. Which distro do you use?

Ubuntu, Red Hat and similar, SuSE and similar

> 2. Which desktop do you use? KDE3, KDE4, Gnome, other?

GNOME, KDE4, all others

> 3. How many of your computers run Linux?

1 notebook, about 20 physical servers (Nagios, NIS, NFS, LTSP, VMware Server 1, and VMware ESXi), and about 10 virtual servers (Zimbra, Acrophobia, LAMP apps).

> 4. Do other family members use Linux?

Yes, both sons literate, Dad learning.  Many others use it without knowing or caring, in the form of some service, like Google or Zimbra or Acrophobia or whatever.

> 5. Do you use Linux exclusively at home?

Nope.  I have two games (TA and Myth II 1.6) that I like to play a few times a year, and customers that want me to stay literate with Microsoft stuph, like Vista and Windows 2008, so most of my machines are dual-boot, and some are completely Linux-disabled, which forces me to use that other OS now and then.  It's surprising how good I've gotten at avoiding interaction with my desktop, ever since I made it Vista only.

> 6. Are you fortunate enough to use Linux at work?

Yep.  Steady and gentle but firm pressure on every person and thing in my career path over the last 12 years has paid off richly.  Most of the servers I mentioned would be running Windows, if not for my constant efforts to the contrary.

> 7. Do you build your own Linux? (Yes, a few of us are masochistic
> enough to do so! :) )

Ah, Heck no.  But I might someday, just for the larnin'.

> 8. How experienced are you with Linux?

I know just enough to be more useful than dangerous.

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