[clue-talk] Linux+ beta exam

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Wed May 6 11:29:24 MDT 2009

You are absolutely right about the RedHat'ish-ness of the exam.  When I helped with question-design, we (the whole team) would find things like that, and we intentionally would create two questions for things that are done differently between RedHat-esque systems and Debian-esque systems.  One question would test knowledge of the RedHat way, and the other question would test knowledge of the Debian way.  Depending on the distribution (no pun intended) of the beta-exam-takers, the final version of the exam could end up with the same bias.

David L. Willson
Trainer, Engineer, Enthusiast
MCT, MCSE, Linux+

----- "Angelo Bertolli" <angelo.bertolli at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks David for sending out the beta exam.  I was able to take it a
> few 
> weeks ago, and it was nice because it was free.
> My only criticism of the test is that it was pretty RedHat-ish.  I use
> both Deb and RH based distros at work, and I got the feeling that if
> you 
> didn't know some RH-isms, you'd get a worse score.  I can't really
> think 
> of any examples.  But it really brings up the question of "what is 
> Linux?"  If you really focus on Linux-only stuff, I think it ends up 
> really being about UNIX in general.
> Angelo
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