[CLUE-Tech] DSL Recommendations

Brandon N bneill at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 4 07:49:51 MST 2001

> 0. Do you recommend DSL?  What is your connection package?  I am
> looking at the
> standard 256 upload / download with 'choose my own isp' option.

> 1. Who is your ISP?  Do you like their service?  What is monthly
> cost?  Do you
> recommend the company?
> 2. How is DSL setup under Linux?  Do they assign static IPs or DHCP? 
> Anything
> special here?
either, it depends on the company
> 3. The Qwest page talks about 'modems'.  I can only assume they are
> talking
> about a router, right?  Much like my cable 'modem' is actually a
> bridge, the
> company uses the term 'modem' as a catch-all network connection. 
> Anyway, based
> on my experiences, the external option seems less problematic.  Are
> you using
> internal or external 'modem'?
Yeah, in fact, the one you have to get from Qwest to use Linux, they
actually call a router, and it's external, I think it was around
> 4. Finally, how is the reliability?  Unlike some @home users, my
> cable modem is
> (was) rock-solid reliable.
When I had DSL, it worked as reliably as my @home, but if I were you, I
would keep the @home for a month and compare the two, both tend to vary
by location.

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