Measuring Network Performance (was: Re: [CLUE-Tech] AT&T Broadband)

Jeffery Cann jc_cann at
Thu Dec 6 12:28:14 MST 2001

--- Dave Hahn <dhahn at> wrote:
> service is definately *much* slower now then before

Since we're talking broadband, it depends on where you are.  Where I live, we
have been able to get cable internet access for 2 1/2 years. I have noticed
that the network slowed down about a year ago, so I would guess that the
network has reached consumer saturation.

It seems after connecting last night, I observed faster speeds (no empirical
evidence).  I have friends in newer networks (1 year or less availability) and
they had faster download speeds than I did on @home network.

Does anyone have a good test suite to measure network performance?

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