[CLUE-Tech] Network Guru?

Keith Hellman kehellman at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 17 12:32:07 MST 2001

Hello all, I need the input of a network guru:

I seem to recall that some of the fundamental rules at the IP layer is
*	Every node on a subnet must have all it's network bits set appropriately
in its IP address.
*	Node must be to the right of the LSB of the network address

I've been told (by IT in my org) to use: for a little
embedded device.  This doesn't make sense to me...  =
network =
(last octets in bin, duh..)

Admittedly my notebook (running SuSE 7.2/kernel 2.4.X) works aok on the
jack.  But the embedded device (2.0.38 linux kernel) can't even ping or be

On my development network, I can recreate the problem, and when I switch
the IP address to include the network bits - everything works AOK.

So, my questions are:
A)  Am I way off base here?  Am I thinking circa 80's IP rules and things
are different now?
B)  Apparently an implementation has changed in the linux kernel since my
notebook doesn't complain - is this true?

Thanks in advance,

Keith E. Hellman
kehellman at yahoo.com

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