[CLUE-Tech] Quick reboot question

Kevin Cullis kevincu at orci.com
Sat Jan 13 20:10:33 MST 2001

Brandon N wrote:
> not really, and I'm not sure last reboot works on all systems, I use
> both Solaris and Linux so much, I get confused.
> The last command gives you all entries in the wtmp file for a specific
> user, the "reboot" user is a special one used to measure when the
> system was rebooted.
> the basic trick is that you can't measure how often the system was
> brought down, because there are many different ways to bring it down.
> What you can do, is measure how often the machine comes up.
> TO do this, create a startup script (method varies by vendor) to put a
> date in a file every time it is booted, numeric dates work best,
> easiest to sort.
> then write another script to count all the lines before a certain date.
> brandon

So, from what I've gathered, it's not "installed" in normal distros, but
I would have to create it.  Thanks for the tip, Brandon.


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