[CLUE-Tech] Linux FTP server accessible from Windows98

Dan Harris coronadh at coronasolutions.com
Wed May 16 09:36:33 MDT 2001


I use ProFTPD exclusively on my FTP servers.  As Grant pointed out, 
passwords are transmitted as clear text when using FTP, so it's definitely 
not a secure system.  However, managed properly, it can be a valuable 
asset.  scp (secure copy) is great for *nix to *nix copying, but the 
windows app that supports this, "puTTY", is a little tougher to implement 
compared to FTP, since FTP clients are so ubiquitous.  If you need a secure 
solution, definitely try out scp-based solutions (are there any other than 

Also, a tip, if you do use FTP:

Don't give your FTP users a shell account if they don't need it!  Make an 
empty file called /usr/bin/false, using your favorite editor, or using this 

echo "" > /usr/bin/false

After adding your FTP user, edit /etc/passwd, find the line that starts 
with their login and change the shell from /bin/bash to /usr/bin/false.  

If anyone does happen to "sniff" out an FTP login and get a password, it 
does more to prevent them from getting a shell and doing further damage 
with that user account.

-Dan Harris

> Hello,
> I am looking for a Linux FTP server solution. The server would need to
> be accessible through the local area network from a Windows98 station
> to transfer files (to be posted at the FTP site). 
> If you are in the Denver area and have knowledge of this solution or
> know where to find documentation please send me an e-mail. I have Linux
> installed but I am new to the Linux operating system.
> Thanks,
> Mark 

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