[CLUE-Tech] Sound card/speaker "feedback" problem

Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier jbrockmeier at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 12 13:53:41 MST 2002

On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, Kevin Cullis wrote:

> Hi all,
> When my sound is turned all of the way up, I get feedback through my
> speakers, even when I adjust some of the controls.  Any ideas?

Don't turn it all the way up... :)

Seriously, though... are you sure it's feedback and not something
else? Do you have a sound input source, like a microphone, connected
at all? Actual feedback happens when sound is emitted through the
speakers, sent through a microphone, amplified and creates a loop.
So if you have a microphone connected to the computer, that's might
be what's happening if you have the microphone/line-in on.

If it's just a loud hissing/buzzing noise, that's just the speakers
amplifying the signal noise. (Note, I'm not an audio engineer, so
that's probably not the correct technical term.)

Take care,

Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier -=- jbrockmeier at earthlink.net
"Crime made its appearance during the dawning age of literacy. What
this means is that, as soon as people started to write, they started
writing laws; this is because writing enabled them to do something
they hadn't been able to do before. Writing enabled them to define
in exact, fixed terms the behaviors they wanted the state to regulate,
punish, and suppress." -- Daniel Quinn

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