OT [CLUE-Tech] Re: [CLUE-TechDSL (Cisco Modem) - passwords

Timothy C. Klein teece at silverklein.net
Mon Jan 7 14:27:38 MST 2002

* Jeremiah Stanley (miah at miah.org) wrote:
> worlds computers working on this 24/7/365, take into account Moore's Law 
> in this too. Now ignore the storage requirements for this with the ratio 
> of 1 silicon atom to 1 bit of storage, which puts the storage requirement 
> for this project at about twice the estimated amount of silicon in the 
> universe. It would still take you 2^212 years, by that time I'm sure the 
> sun will have supernova'd us all the component atoms wasting all those 
> cycles we could have used to play solitaire and cure cancer. You may 

I just read, current science seems to indicate the Sun won't kill the
earth with a supernova after all.  Earlier models goofed up the loss of
mass due to its conversion to energy, or something like that, so it now
looks like the Earth will be spared being engulfed by the sun.  Only
Mercury and Venus are in trouble.

So go ahead, get to work on crackin MD5, you'll have plenty of time ;-)

== Timothy Klein || teece at silverklein.net   ==
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