[CLUE-Tech] techangle DNS service for clue.denver.co.us

Dave Hahn dhahn at techangle.com
Fri Jan 11 13:05:24 MST 2002

Jim and all:

I'll look into this today and find out why.  Can you tell me (private
mail is fine) the address of your DNS servers?  We've had to step up how
aggressive PortSentry is due to some odd traffic lately.  If, for some
reason, the DNS servers you are using got into our list, we may be
ignoring traffic from them.

Lately, I feel like our PortSentries are a public service.  I've found
Nimda running around on quite a few NT/2000 boxes as well as a few
Linux, *BSD, and Solaris boxes that had been rooted and were being used
for probing and attacks.  I'd say somewhere in the range of 60 or so
just in December alone.

Remember, PortSentry and TripWire are your friends.  Your very *good*
friends.  They're like the big guys on the playground keeping the mean
kids away from the monkey bars.

Dave Hahn
dhahn at techangle.com

On Fri, 2002-01-11 at 07:49, Jim Ockers wrote:

    Sorry all for the broad post regarding a relatively narrow
    network issue.  The clue.denver.co.us DNS servers are listed
    in the zonefile as "ta5.techangle.com" and "dns0.techangle.com" .
    There is a problem with dns0.techangle.com, as it is a CNAME
    to which is a nonexistent host.
    (At least I can't get an A record in the DNS for it.)
    What does this have to do with the CLUE list?  Well I sent an
    e-mail to the list but my DNS server is refusing to resolve
    the MX for @clue.denver.co.us because it thinks it wants to
    query dns0.techangle.com for the DNS information but that
    host doesn't exist.
    I'm sure Dave Hahn or one of the tech wizards at Techangle will
    fix this ASAP.  I just wanted to let you know.
    CLUE-Tech mailing list
    CLUE-Tech at clue.denver.co.us


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