Jeffery Cann fabian at jefferycann.com
Tue Jan 15 06:18:56 MST 2002

On Monday 14 January 2002 04:31 pm, Grant Johnson wrote:
> Session hijacking is a real concern on the web apps, and this system
> needs to be useable for network logons, windows fat client logons,
> databse logons, etc.

To avoid this, use SSL to login and make sure you encrypt the cookie payload. 
 This will avoid sniff attacks.

For the cookie, I would only store the session id with a time of -1 which 
will force the cookie to remain in memory.  This will avoid the cookie spoof 

Also, storing a session id will allow you to more easily implement single 
sign-on (SSO).

If you want more info on SSO, let me know and I can give you some links.  It 
just so happens that I am implementing a J2EE SSO prototype at work...


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