[CLUE-Tech] kernel compile

Timothy C. Klein teece at silverklein.net
Tue Jul 9 13:44:05 MDT 2002

* Mike Staver (staver at fimble.com) wrote:
> Alright, I just compiled a kernel with the following steps
> make menuconfig
> make dep
> make bzImage
> make modules
> make modules_install
> make install
> The last step concerned me:
> [root at tunnel linux]# make install
> make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
> So, I'm assuming that make modules_install and make install both didn't
> work - so my question is, what files should I move from the
> /usr/src/linux directory to somewhere else?  I'm assuming the vmlinuz
> file should go to the /boot directory, but I'm clueless once my make
> install command failed :(
> -- 

Make modules probably worked.  If not, that is a big pain to do by hand.
Check in /lib/modules/<kernel version>, for the kernel version you just
compiled.  If modules_install did its job, you should have a directory
there for the kernel you just compiled, full of stuff.

Don't know why make install would have failed.

The make install step I never do.  You technically don't need to copy
files anywhere, you could probably boot them right from where they are,
but nobody does that.  It is customary to copy /usr/src/linux/System.map
to /boot/System.map-<kernel-version>.  Then you need to copy the kernel
itself, which will be /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage to /boot.
It is usally named vmlinuz or vmlinuz-<kernel-version>.  But you could
call it anything you want.  You would then need to update
/etc/lilo.conf, and run lilo.

The above assumes
1) The source tree you compiled was in /usr/src/linux.  If not, replace
the path as appropriate.
2) <kernel-image> is replaced with the number of the kernel you
compiled.  So 2.4.18, or 2.4.19-pre7-ac2, or 2.4.18tck if you added
something to the Makefile's EXTRA_VERSOIN variable.
3) You are using lilo.  If you are using Grub, I have never used it, so
I can't help you with the last step of updating grub.

There are probably lots of HOWTOs out there on this.  You might check


For a HOWTO.  The lilo part can be tricky, and if done wrong it will
leave your system unbootable.  But once you have the info, it is very


== Timothy Klein || teece at silverklein.net   ==
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