[CLUE-Tech] Moving files from one system to another

Dan Harris coronadh at coronasolutions.com
Wed Jul 17 19:04:58 MDT 2002

Wow, your timing couldn't be better.  I just pulled an all-nighter at the 
office last night trying to move 14GB across the network.  Here's what I've 

NFS is SLLLLLOOOOOWWW.. dont bother trying it
Samba is much better than NFS but it took 9 hours to copy all the files across 
a 100megabit switch.. Also it will screw up your file dates and permissions.

Here's the best solution.  It will require that you have rsh configured 
(another story) on the destination machine:

tar -b63 -cpf - /sourcedir | rsh <newhost> "tar -C /destination -b63 -xpf -"

This took only 30 minutes to copy everything.  Simply amazing.

Some tricks: 
you'll need to add <sourcehost> in /etc/hosts.equiv
you'll need to put "rsh" as the last line in /etc/securetty to allow copying 
as root.


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