[CLUE-Tech] Moving files from one system to another

Lynn Danielson lynnd at techangle.com
Wed Jul 17 19:12:15 MDT 2002

bof wrote:
> I have about 6 GB of files on one system that I would like to move to 
> another. Both systems have ethernet cards and I have a crossover cable.
> What would be the easiest way to do this?

Add an entry to /etc/exports on machine A:

Then start (or restart) your nfs server:
/etc/init.d/nfsd start
(or something like that unless you're running BSD or Slackware)

Mount export on machine B and use tar or cp to copy files:
mount machineA:/path_to_files /machineB_mount_point
cd /machineB_mount_point; tar cf - .| (cd todir && tar xfBp -)

If you don't want to bother with implementing an export, you
can get away with simply piping tar to rsh, but you might have
add a "+" entry to your .rhosts file or enter machineA in your
/etc/hosts.equiv file to do this.

Something like:
cd /machineA_dir;
tar cf - . | rsh machineB '(cd machineB_dir && tar xfBp -)'


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