[CLUE-Tech] OT: DSL QoS Revisited

Randy Arabie rrarabie at arabie.org
Mon Mar 25 16:39:11 MST 2002

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Sean Reifschneider wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 24, 2002 at 10:05:44PM -0700, Randy Arabie wrote:
> >> If my ISP started dropping my DSL link after inactivity, and only brought it back up when there was outgoing traffic it might cause
> >> similar problems.  Like I said, I haven't tested that specifically but it seems not to be the case.
> >
> >Hmm.  Maybe I'll check that out.
> Wasn't there a version of DSL they were rolling out here that was not
> "always on", and you'd get kicked off after some inactivity?  You
> effectively had to dial back in when you were ready to use it again?

There was/is.  But I made sure I didn't get it.  I think it was called 
Qwest DSL Select.

> Of course, think "ISDN" instead of "Analog modems sniffing each others
> butts" when I speak of dialing.  When I last had ISDN, it took 2 seconds
> for the connection to dial and PPP to do it's negotiation...

Yeah.  I remeber our ISDN at a previous employer was just like that.

> IIRC, this DSL that you had to dial was only available with the internal
> cards though.  I may be wrong, but that's what I thought...

I don't know what the restrictions were, but I do recall it was the cheapest
DSL Qwest offered.



Randy Arabie
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