[CLUE-Tech] Star Office, MS Office and converting PS files to PDF files

Kevin Cullis kevincu at orci.com
Fri May 17 09:06:27 MDT 2002

Hi all,

I just wanted to let you all know, or at least those that may not know,
that the filters in SO to MS office don't always work well enough.  I've
sent resumes (and viewed my resume) on Word 2000 and the bullets don't
come through good enough, as one example.  I also had a friend who's an
HR person at AT&T look over my resume who uses Word and she made some
"unfavorable" comments when she opened a SO filtered document.  While we
all know that it's probably a MS thing, I can't change her view of
resumes. So, what's a person to do?

Well, rather than sending my resume as a .doc file I've started sending
it as as PDF file.  Saving my resume in SO as a file (see the print
command and "save as file") I then using the ps2pdf command to create my
resume in PDF. Boy, in nothing flat, it was done and with a minor change
(those pesky bullets again), I had a good looking document to send to HR
folks that I know will at least please them and get one step closer to
getting in the door and not thrown into the circular file cabinet
because it "doesn't look right."

Hope this helps someone.


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