[CLUE-Tech] Star Office, MS Office and converting PS files to PDF files

Jed S. Baer thag at frii.com
Fri May 17 22:06:15 MDT 2002

On Fri, 17 May 2002 19:28:05 -0600
Matt Gushee <mgushee at havenrock.com> wrote:

> Because the recruiters don't want HTML. I've asked, and they usually
> want Word, Word, or Word. Don't ask me to explain why.

Actually, it's quite simple. They're using any of a myriad of recruiting
packages which are setup to import word documents, and I'm guessing also
have buzzword extraction proggies which also require Word as input. And, I
suspect, most of them wouldn't don't know the difference between MSWord
and a text editor.

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