[CLUE-Tech] Sawfish questions

Tim Harris tdharris at usa.com
Thu May 23 11:55:04 MDT 2002

Yeah, people keep saying this, but let me reiterate, this is not just in
X.  It is also at the console level before I even start X, so I don't
see how editing an X config file will help.  I'm getting insanely
frustrated with linux as a desktop at this point if I can't do something
as simple as adjust the black-out settings for my monitor.

    -Mike Staver
    staver at fimble.com
    mstaver at globaltaxnetwork.com

Look at the man page for setterm. Then ad this line to your rc.local file:

/usr/bin/setterm -blank 0 
I found this while doing a search in google. Let me know if this works.

-Tim Harris
tdharris at usa.com

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