[CLUE-Tech] How safe is it?

Matt Gushee mgushee at havenrock.com
Sat Nov 2 23:41:31 MST 2002

On Sat, Nov 02, 2002 at 04:45:16AM -0700, Roger Frank wrote:
> I want to have some content in my /var/www/html directory that
> has restricted access.  How safe are these scenarios:
> 3.  Other scenarios that work, other than "Don't put the data there
>     if you don't want it compromised".

Well, if you were running Java servlets, then you could place your data
in some arbitrary location known only to the servlet (and presumably not
directly accessible from 'outside'). That would be quite hard to crack
...  but I suspect it's a bit more elaborate than you need.

Matt Gushee                 When a nation follows the Way,
Englewood, Colorado, USA    Horses bear manure through
mgushee at havenrock.com           its fields;
http://www.havenrock.com/   When a nation ignores the Way,
                            Horses bear soldiers through
                                its streets.
                            --Lao Tzu (Peter Merel, trans.)

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