[CLUE-Tech] apache question

Todd Williams hp205ctl at hotpop.com
Wed Nov 6 15:04:58 MST 2002

Mike Staver wrote:
> I consider myself to be an apache expert in most cases, but I have a
> question about configuring apache so that I can limit the maximum
> bandwidth rate for a website.  In my idea of a perfect setting, I would
> like to configure it so that only certain directories have this limit. 
> For example, if I was working with this directory:
> <Directory /home/blah/web/files>
>     Options Indexes Includes ExecCGI MultiViews
>     AllowOverride None
>     Order allow,deny
>     Allow from all
> </Directory>
> Is there some way to monitor and set that sort of thing? I've been to
> websites before where I've gotten an error message something like this:
> "This user has exceeded his or her monthly bandwidth limit for the
> month"
> I'm not saying I want to completely limit the bandwidth for any given
> month, but it would be nice to be able to keep track of it, and also
> limit those type of connections where files go out at 200k/sec. I'd like
> to be able to cap that at like 30k/sec or something. 


included in redhat 7.3
check rpmfind.net for other rpm based distros
don't know about debian
source also at:

I haven't played with this enough to know how well it will do the last -
It will monitor only if set up to do so, and can limit bandwith in a
number of ways.

Todd Williams

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