[CLUE-Tech] Bulk Email Question

Jed S. Baer thag at frii.com
Fri Oct 18 21:33:25 MDT 2002

On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 20:28:06 -0600
Jeffery Cann <fabian at jefferycann.com> wrote:

> about 1000 emails into its queue.  Sometimes the browser wants to time
> out because there is no output until all email addresses have been
> processed.
> Is there some way I can prevent the stalling from happening?


If you save the forked PID in a session variable, you can then use the
meta refresh tag to revisit the process every, maybe 30 seconds, and when
the process is finished, do whatever cleanup you need.

> Here's the relevant code.  Basically, I select a collection of LMOGroups
> from the MySQL database, iterate through the collection and send an
> email to each address in the collection ($obj->email):
> $group = new LMOGroup();
> $collection = $group->fetchAllGroups();
  $z = 0;
> while (list ($id, $obj) = each ($collection)) {
>         if (!mail($obj->email, $topic,
>                 $msg, "From: $from\r\n".
>                 "Reply-To: $replyTo\r\n"))      {
>                 print "Show email failed page.";
>         }
          if (mod($z++,100)) {
              echo 'mailed some more';
>         flush();
>         usleep(200000);
> }
> Suggestions are appreciated.

Dunno about that. You'd need output buffering turned off, at the least
(oh, I see that's where the flush come in, err, goes out.). Actually, I
don't off the top of my head know what the php modulo function is. But,
the browser'd be gettin' stuff, I think.

Well, decided to RTFM. ref.math.html doesn't list any modulo function.
Abitrary number base conversion -- yeah, got that, but you want the
remainder after division? Sorry bub.

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