[CLUE-Tech] FreeBSD [was Re: Nessus]

David Anselmi anselmi at americanisp.net
Sat Aug 16 08:41:12 MDT 2003

Collins Richey wrote:
> I especially didn't like the slices approach to hard drive partitioning
> and the fact that only primary partitions are supported.  I had to do a
> lot of juggling to make linux and FreeBSD coexist on my harddrive.

Looks to me like FreeBSD supports more than primary partitions.  If you 
read far enough in section 2.5.2 of the install guide[1] it says "There 
can only be four physical slices on a disk, but you can have logical 
slices inside physical slices of the appropriate type."

In FreeBSD, slice means what partition does in Linux.  They work the 
same -- making an extended slice allows you to put logical slices in it.

Slices can contain several partitions, so there is an extra layer of 
division compared to Linux.  A partition contains one filesystem in 
either OS.

Seems that if you get the terminology straight getting FreeBSD, Linux, 
and Win* to coexist should be easy.



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