[CLUE-Tech] FreeBSD [was Re: Nessus]

David Anselmi anselmi at americanisp.net
Sat Aug 16 11:55:48 MDT 2003

black at galaxy.silvren.com wrote:
> Yes, a "slice" is the equivalent to a "partition" in the
> linux/dos/winders/whatever world.
> BSD further confuses it by just calling extended partitions "partitions."

They might do that but they mean extended slices.  Partitions are 
divisions of slices and are named from a-h, with historic significance 
to the names.

> When I set up BSD I used two primary partitions, and then put a few
> extended partitions under each for /, /var, /tmp, /usr and swap. There are
> still 2 primary partitions left to install Linux or whatever else.

Sounds like you set up two primary slices and put partitions in each 
(using BSD lingo).  In Linux lingo it would be odd to make two extended 
partitions, each containing several logical partitions.  I'm not sure 
the specs or the tools allow that and you'd probably confuse yourself in 
any case.


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