[CLUE-Tech] Data models, diagrams, process models documentation

David Anselmi anselmi at americanisp.net
Sun Aug 17 10:10:19 MDT 2003

Sean LeBlanc wrote:
> [*] And I really can't grok people who just make database changes directly
> via tools like SQL Enterprise Manager, isql, or SQL*Plus or what have you.

Hear, hear!  At my last job, part of the CM I did was to develop a way 
to apply DB changes consistently.  That can be a tricky thing and what I 
wrote wasn't bulletproof.  But at least I could be confident that the 
testers were testing what would go to production.

We did a major rewrite at one point and the data migration scripts (that 
fit into my CM framework) were very hairy.  When we rolled it out, the 
code update took 10 minutes and the data migration 2 hours.  I left at 
that point, figuring it was done but our DB guy checked a few things and 
found a bug.

Instead of rolling it back and fixing/testing the bug he stayed until 
3am hacking on it.  Monday morning all was well.  Tuesday things blew up 
because of bugs he put in while hacking, two days to fix.  Fortunately 
this was a rare occurance.


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